Nestled Under Shady Oak trees
In front of nearly 75 of our favorite people, we conducted a traditional Filipino ceremony and exchanged vows.
Alex’s father officiated the traditional Western wedding.
Sheila’s brother walked us through the Filipino traditions.
Filipino Ceremony
Tito Gus and Tita Lynette placed the cord to symbolize being tied together.
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Kim placed the veil to symbolize being clothed as one.
Sheila and Alex each exchanged 13 coins, the Arras, to symbolize equal contributions to their family.
Vow Exchange (Take 2)
“So while I continue my previous vows to respect you and support you, to celebrate you and validate you, to care for you and trust you. I also vow to us and to our future family that I will live. And love you for every second of it.”
“I promise to continually sing you spontaneous love songs, to hold your hand when it gets old and wrinkly, and to keep taking you out for the sacred Thursday Date Night. I’ll try my very best not to mess up your perfect nightly hair buns or talk your ear off too much about obscure jazz history. I will always be there to put a smile on your face, to hear what you’ve got on your chest, and to support you in any way I can.”
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