Overview of Filipino Wedding traditions
Alex’s Aunt and Uncle place the cord.
In addition to bridesmaids and groomsmen, the couple selects Sponsors. They are considered godparents to the couple and are usually aunts, uncles, and mentors. Sponsors participate in the cord, veil, candle, and coin ceremonies during the wedding.
Sheila’s Aunt and Uncle place the veil.
Cord, Veil, Candle, and coin ceremony
This is traditionally a Catholic ritual. We have made adjustments to fit our beliefs, but we welcome everyone’s blessings.
A pair of sponsors drape a veil over the bride’s head and the groom’s shoulders to symbolize two people clothed as one.
A pair of sponsors twist a looped cord to make a figure 8 and drape it around the couple’s shoulders to symbolize the bond of infinite marriage.
The bride and groom each light a candle to represent their separate lives and families. Then they light the unity candle together and blow out their individual candle to represent extinguishing their past. We have decided not do this tradition out of caution since the ceremony will be in the woods.
The groom and the bride exchange coins to to symbolize their support of each other as well as their commitment to the welfare of their new family.
Alex’s aunt and cousin pin cash.
Money Dance
The Money Dance is a fun tradition where guests line up to dance with the bride or groom and pin money to them when it’s their turn. The money received during the dances is perceived as a sign of good fortune. If you would like to participate, don’t forget to bring cash!